November 12, 2021
Free Webinar: Evidence Is Everything in Sport Horse Evaluation, Performance & Longevity
By Kim Miller | Equestrian Writer
Canadian horsemen Tim Worden, PhD, and Sean Jobin are out-of-the-box thinkers. Their evidence-based approaches to equine athlete selection, development, performance and management are gaining notice and credibility. Their work and results are at the forefront of aligning the management of elite equine athletes with what’s happening in the world of elite human athletic performance.
Dr. Worden’s expertise in equine biomechanics and sports science synthesizes the concepts into actionable steps for all owners looking to get the most out of their partnership with their horse. As a rising star on the Grand Prix jumping circuit, Sean and his horses are poster boys for applying evidence-based approaches.

Tune In November 18 at Noon EST.
Sean and Dr. Worden will share their ideas and experiences in a free webinar presented by Haygain and Ontario Equestrian on Thursday, Nov. 18 at noon EST via this Webinar Link. The 45-minute discussion will include an introduction to Dr. Worden and Sean’s way of thinking about horse management, some specific examples of how it’s helped their horses and time for your questions.
About Dr. Worden & Sean Jobin

“The overall goal when coaching an athlete, including horses, is to light a fire in them,” Dr Worden explains. “Put them in a position where they enjoy their job and want to do it well. Once we figure out how to make a horse happy and willing to perform, then we pour kerosene on that fire. We build the confidence, make sure they always have positive experiences, and then the horse will really fly.”

Likely Topics
· Using data analytics to identify and overcome barriers to performance.
· Analyzing a horse’s nutrition needs.
· Assessing the horse’s physiological, emotional and mental “battery” status.
· Implementing gait analysis results into a training program.
· Evaluating equine athlete potential
· Wearable monitors for heart rate, stride length, speed, force of impact, etc.
· Your questions!
Please join Dr. Worden and Sean for what’s sure to be a lively and educational discussion! Brought to you by Haygain and Ontario Equestrian and free to all.
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