Horse Stall Flooring = Looks Can Be Deceiving
When it comes to horse stall flooring systems, Lauren Sprieser learned that hard way that looks can be deceiving. Haygain’s ComfortStall Sealed Orthopedic Flooring looks like another stall flooring...

Fat Horses – The Modern Scourge!
It is no secret that obesity is a growing problem and is regarded as the most serious welfare issue currently affecting our global horse population. Various studies in the...

Horse health stories, OTHERS
Grateful for Daily Stories about Horses’ Good Health
Hearing stories about how Haygain equipment has helped horses is a daily occurrence around here. The horses we hear about represent a range of breeds, body types and roles in...

Horse, OTHERS Horse health, OTHERS
Learn From My Mistakes
International groom cautions that ignoring small details has big consequences for horse health. By Courtney Carson In horses I realized a long time ago that I will...

Equine asthma, OTHERS Equine health, OTHERS
Amazing Grace overcomes horse asthma to continue her amazing work.
A forage-based diet is best for almost any horse. However, forage has a big downside. It’s a top source of the respirable particles that infiltrate and irritate our horses’ respiratory...

Haygain sales to support World Horse Welfare
Haygain Sales to Support World Horse Welfare through December. Haygain is proud to announce the contribution of 2.5% of all sales to World Horse Welfare, from Dec. 1 –...