Is your horse a fussy eater? Try steamed hay!

Fussy eater, OTHERS Hay steaming, OTHERS

Is your horse a fussy eater? Try steamed hay!

According to four published research findings and numerous customer feedback, horses like to eat steamed hay!

2 min read
Laminitis - Causes and prevention

Equine nutrition, OTHERS Laminitis, OTHERS

Laminitis - Causes and prevention

Sharon Smith MSc SEBC(Reg) IEng BHSAPC discusses common causes of laminitis and the best prevention techniques.

8 min read
What do we know about coronavirus and its potential threat to our animals?

Respiratory disease, OTHERS Respiratory problems, OTHERS

What do we know about coronavirus and its potential threat to our animals?

Many animal owners will be facing some anxiety at this time, especially as there is a lot of misinformation circulating about where COVID-19. Find out more from Dr David Marlin

6 min read
Sean Vard Supergroom to Martin Fuchs

Professional groom, OTHERS Review, OTHERS

Sean Vard Supergroom to Martin Fuchs

Sean Vard, supergroom to Martin Fuchs, talks to Haygain about travelling Martin's top horses.

3 min read
The importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep

Behavior, OTHERS Comfortstall, OTHERS

The importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep

Equine behaviour specialist Sharon Smith MSc SEBC(Reg) IEng BHSAPC discusses the importance of a good night's sleep for horses

4 min read
ComfortStall: an appropriately cushioned surface for equine musculoskeletal health

Comfortstall, OTHERS

ComfortStall: an appropriately cushioned surface for equine musculoskeletal health

What horses stand on can be a simple solution to many health issues.

4 min read